Saturday, June 20, 2009

Joey's Take -- Roadkill

Every morning when I'm riding in the redmobile to get Mom to work, I bark at all the bloated deer corpses along the highway. They literally litter the roadside along the Beltway.

Sure, there are barriers to keep them out. But, considering themselves "smarter than the average bear," the deer ignore the fences and cement walls -- even the scent of corpses rotting in the wind -- to get to the easy grazing alongside the road. Those barriers are for other animals -- not them.

Once on the road, they are blinded by the bright lights and confused by the chaos and rush of traffic. But they don't turn tail and head for the woods. Nope. They edge closer and closer to the speeding cars, lured by all that horsepower cruising by them.

Forgetting their natural instincts and all the animals depending on them back home, they sacrifice everything they are, becoming the latest roadkill -- and fodder for all the vultures feeding on the Beltway.

Hmm. Reminds me of some of the political animals lured by the bright lights of D.C.

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